Removing the Cloths

It is hard to believe the AKC24 conference has come to a close. We so appreciate the feedback, insight and suggestions that were given and are prayerfully considering what we will do next.

One of the (many!) highlights from our conference was our keynote speaker Connie Jakab. There was a lot she shared but for today, and just before Easter, I wanted to share an insight of hers that really resonated with me. In the story of Lazarus, Connie reminded us that Jesus already knew what was going to happen. The purpose of raising Lazarus from the dead was for the benefit of the people… to help them in their belief that He was indeed the chosen Messiah.

John 11:42-44 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

The part of the story that struck me was the last instruction: “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” It was this physical unwrapping of these burial materials that allowed Lazarus to fully embrace His new life. The imagery of his friends taking the cloths off is powerful. Each grave layer removed exposed a part of the living Lazarus. I’m convinced Jesus could have easily asked Lazarus to exit that grave without the reminder that he was indeed buried but He chose to have him come out all wrapped up.

As you prepare experience Holy Week, I invite you to prayerfully think about what cloths might be surrounding you. Whether in your ministry or your personal walk with Jesus, what is it that needs to be removed? Each of us can find ourselves wrapped up in cloths that hold us captive. This journey does not need to be done alone. When Lazarus awoke, he must have known he was still wrapped up… but Jesus commanded those nearby to take the cloths off. Perhaps you can talk to a trusted friend or colleague and together see what Jesus might be calling you to remove from your life.

Easter continues to be an incredible reminder of God’s love for us. Just as He called Lazarus to life, we too received that gift when our old selves died and we became a new creation, filled with the Holy Spirit. But we have hard habits to break and it is a daily (hourly?) choice we need to make to choose Jesus over ourselves.

When we do make that choice and we remove the cloths that hold us back? Then there’s no stopping what God will do through us. And this is the powerful promise we have with Jesus - it is through Him we can do all things. He gives us the power to do His work, even with all our faults. What a glorious promise that is!

Acts 4:33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerful powerfully at work in them all.

