10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss the AKC

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There are a lot of people working behind the scenes to make the Awesome Kidmin Conference something special. IT’S GOING TO BE GREAT!! Seriously, the lineup of speakers and workshops available is pretty incredible. You really don’t want to miss out…and I’m going to tell you why!! Actually, I polled the rest of the planning team, asking them for their top reasons for attending. The following is our collective wisdom (at least some of it)!


We are bringing in speakers that are going to speak into your life and ministry. You are going to leave having been encouraged and built up in your personal faith and ministry.


KidMin can, if you’ve been around a while, be as exhausting as it is rewarding. This is an opportunity to lift your head and link arms with a bunch of like-minded individuals who are a lot like you. Finding community is a great reason to come.


The word means ‘a formal gathering around a particular topic’. We’ve been separated by screens for a few years and it feels pretty great to be able to gather around a topic that is near and dear, and not on a screen. Not that we have anything against screens…you’ll see why soon!

#4 MARCH 10-11, 2023

That is a specific date for personal growth and interaction. It isn’t a podcast, webinar, or website that you can access anytime…but may not ever get back to. It’s a time and place set aside for one thing at one time. It’s time out of your schedule to work ON your ministry and not just IN your ministry.


You know you want to learn as a leader, to become better at what you do, to be informed and deep-rooted in your faith. Leadership Labs let you set aside some time to dive deep into a couple of topics, expand your borders and glean wisdom from other excellent leaders.


Your volunteers are amazing individuals and you want to give them training and opportunities to grow in their faith and skills. AKC is a perfect opportunity to provide training and skill development to your team (and yourself)


Did we mention that we’ll have exhibitors from various organizations that you can interact with? Maybe you need to further your education or are looking for resources for yourself or ministry, it’s all here in one place without having to Google a thing!


There will be food! Food that you didn’t cook or even think about! It will be good. We promise!


AKC is a time set aside for YOU. You can take in every single thing and douse yourself in the firehose of awesome information and input, resources, and people. OR you can slow down, soak in the worship, find a quiet place to pray, or journal, spend time with your team when you’re NOT in the frenzy of prep or surrounded by small humans. The conference is there to serve you, take from it as much or as little as you decide.


Life is better when you get a little something every now and then. You’re going to get a whole lot simply by giving yourself and your team the gift of this conference, but there just might be a few prizes involved, too.

So, what are you waiting for? SIGN UP TODAY for the AWESOME KIDMIN CONFERENCE 2023! We’ll see you there.


10 Ways to Make AKC23 Count


10 Ways to Strengthen Your Spirit