But Why?

Small questions open the door to big discussions.

AKC Post 04.28.21.png

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

One of my biggest frustrations as a child was being told to do stuff. More accurately, being told to do something (anything) without a clear explanation as to why.

I must have been exhausting to raise. I was that child that asked ‘Why?’ all the time. I’m thankful that God gave me parents with a lot of patience!

Over time, the redundant why questions (I mean really, does one need to offer an explanation as to the wisdom of tying one’s shoes?) turned to deeper why questions. Why does God allow bad stuff to happen? Why did Opa die so young? Why does God love me? The patience my parents showed me early on created an atmosphere of comfort when the big asks came.

Our ministry work is just the same - those small ‘why’ questions will lead to big questions. It is a beautiful gift to be a part of a child’s faith journey. I pray that each of us can be patient with the small why questions, so that we are invited into conversation on the big why questions.

When those big questions come, I pray that we will lean on God’s wisdom to continue guiding these precious souls. Even if we need a little extra patience along the way. 

p.s. I promised myself I would never say ‘Because I said so’ to my kids. I will now plead the 5th. 


What are some of the interesting ‘why’ questions you’ve been asked in ministry?

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).


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