Failing with Grace
You may have heard this before but you are quite amazing. In fact, you are uniquely you with gifts and talents that God has blessed you with. Ephesians 2:10 tells us God prepared us ‘in advance’ to do the things He has called us to do. He knows you. Really, really well. At times, that fact gives me an immense amount of security as to who I am. From a young age, I have have been taught that He loves me. He cares for me. He wants to hear from me. But then there are times when I so thoroughly mess up that I wonder ‘did I get it wrong?’ Am I doing what God has actually called me to do or am I getting in the way of what God’s plans are? Honestly, there are seasons when I think I’m a roadblock rather than being a light to those around me. And that is a hard season to be in.
It’s this little word called ‘fail’ that irks me. I don’t like this word. And yet, failing is a part of growing and learning. Take a moment and think back on your ministry work. Is there a program you tried that didn’t quite work out how you imagined? Perhaps a volunteer who you were sure was going to fit right in, just didn’t? It will be inevitable for us ministry workers to fail. Here’s the great news - its actually really ok. Yes, it is uncomfortable. Yes, it can also be humbling. But it is in those moments of ickyness that we continue to seek God’s will.
I fully admit when things are running really well, I am the most confident Christian around. Let’s be honest here - it’s amazing when things are running well! There’s nothing wrong with things running well! It is inevitable though for there to be a hiccup… or even a tidal wave. The devil hates what you stand for and what you are doing. There is no trick he won’t try.
It’s this little word called ‘grace’ that I cling to. I love this word. Because I will fail and mess up. Those gifts and talents God gave us? They don’t make us invincible. They make us invaluable. There is only one of you. Wonderful, amazing you. You’re the piece to the puzzle God is using for his Kingdom. And that puzzle is part of a much larger picture. Which means you are a part of an incredible faith community.
Be encouraged that you are not alone… even if there is one of you doing the work. Be encouraged that you are needed… even if you are one of many. Instead of being embarrassed by our mistakes, let us focus on the grace poured on us and keep up the good fight. Because we are in a fight. And these children and families are so worth fighting for.
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us…”
Blessings to you brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for the work you are doing.