Moment of Reflection

We introduced something new this past Fall. Each month our dear friend Leann (Handle With Care Ministries) has been recording short clips of encouragement and we’re posting them on our social medias. We’ve called them ‘MOR’, or, Moments of Reflection. Our prayer has been that these quick sound bites have given you a bit of hope as you continue your ministry work. Because we know that while the days seem long, the time allotted to them always seems to run out. 

Our verse for this month’s MOR is 1 Thessalonians 5:11 where it states ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ What hits you most when you read this verse? I’ve been pondering this verse for a while and I’ll be honest, depending on how the day is going, it hits me differently each time. 

When Paul wrote the church in Thessalonica, he was writing to a community of believers to simply encourage them and to remind them to stand strong in the truth of Jesus’ message. However, this early church was experiencing real hardships, challenges and persecution. Being a follower of Jesus wasn’t easy and those who believed in His teachings were ridiculed. Standing firm in God’s truth took a toll on this community of believers. 

Is standing firm in God’s truth taking a toll on you? In addition to the challenges we face ministering to our families, do you also feel like you are standing up against so much more? The attacks on Jesus’ message of love, grace and mercy have been under siege since the moment of his birth. And these attacks will continue until the day he returns.

So, where do we then find hope? We find hope in the one who can sustain us. I do not like New Years resolutions. Mostly, because mine never last. ;) But here is my challenge/encouragement for each and every one of us: take time just for your own spiritual nourishment. Not for work or for others - just for you. Remember, you too are a son or daughter to our Heavenly Father. He is longing to connect with wonderful you. Let him restore your soul.

Secondly, surround yourself with Christ-centred followers. Our theme for this year’s AKC24 conference is ‘Anchored in Community’. Let’s follow Paul’s example and encourage one another. Let’s build each other up. Having a faith-based community gives you opportunity to encourage but also to be encouraged. I have fallen down on my faith journey countless times. Being lifted by those who love the Lord has given me the direction needed to get back on the right course. We cannot do it alone. 

Who knows what 2024 will bring… a year from now could look similar to what you have today or it could look wildly different. The great news is this - God is our constant and he will sustain you. Be encouraged dear friend. Your loving Saviour knows this is hard work. But He is cheering you on and loves you immensely.


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