
‘Resolutions’ is one of the more annoying words found in the dictionary. A simple break down shows us that it becomes ‘re’ and ‘solutions’. As in, the original solution to your problem didn’t work out. Thus, you’re in need of a restart, a need to reinvent or a resolve to get back to the drawing board once again.

A quick Google search shows us that most resolutions don’t make it past mid-February. The top resolutions people aim for? Exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight and save money. Coming in last is spending time with family and friends. None of these really come as a surprise and I fully admit that I too have made resolutions in each of these areas. I’m not sure how you feel after reading this info but it made me feel like I was in a revolving door. And so this year, I am resolving to not have any resolutions. Instead, I’m choosing to remember.

I am choosing to remember that I am a child of God. As adults, I think its easy for us to forget that. Also, we are um, getting older and perhaps don’t feel like a child. However, it is utterly important that we remember we are protected, loved and cared deeply by our heavenly Father. We are His children. (2 Corinthians 6:18)

I am choosing to remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. With all my faults, shortcomings, failed tasks and unfinished to-dos, I am wonderful. Not because of me but because of who my creator is. (Psalm 139:14)

I am choosing to remember that we are the hands and feet of Christ. Our time here on earth is precious. Now, more than ever, we are being watched and judged. And yet, our calling remains the same - to continue to do the work we are called to do, even if it isn’t easy. (Romans 12:9-13)

I am choosing to remember that I am worthy of forgiveness. It is impossible to go even one day (hour?!) without messing something up. I know where my heart wants to be but the rest of me? Good gravy, I am thankful for forgiveness! (Romans 5:8)

Lastly, I am choosing to remember that God’s Word is the final word. It is good to glean insight and wisdom from your faith community. It is good to have conversations and deepen our understanding of what the world is saying. But, the world’s message will never be the same as God’s message. (John 17:17)

In fact, your AKC feels so strongly on the last point especially that it is the focus of our conference: Anchored in Truth. You might be someone who is totally able to keep a resolution for an entire year. You might not be. Whoever you are though, I do offer this challenge for each of us to tackle: What biblical truth do you need to remember so that you can face 2023 with confidence? It might be one truth. There may be many. Pray about it. Write it out. Post it up. And remind yourself daily (hourly?!) of that one truth. It might just be the anchor you are needing to continue the work you are called to do. 

Blessings to each of you as you begin this year.


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