
When I think of the Christmas story, the season, the meaning, Christ’s coming, the many miracles that occurred and the many prophecies fulfilled, my senses travel into a state of WONDER….

Wonder about the annunciation – I mean what did Mary really experience? What kind of teenager was she? Her heart for God must have been amazing to be chosen to be the promised Christ child’s mother. God had been silent for 400 years, yet she recognized and conversed with a heavenly being about God’s message to her, accepted His plan for her, then experienced the Holy Spirit coming upon her…

Wonder about the announcement – Jesus’ arrival was first announced complete with an angel choir in the sky to humble shepherds in a field guarding and caring for their flocks. What was it like to encounter angels in chorus and be given direction to go personally meet the Christ child… when they met their Saviour Jesus, they KNEW who He was, they were changed forever and HAD to share the news with anyone and everyone with exceeding joy!

Wonder about supernatural dreams - The visitations to Joseph and how he chose to obey God during difficult circumstances, then he so carefully protected Mary, stood by her, and protected the Christ child. I wonder what it was like for Joseph to hold Jesus as a baby, then hold his little hand as a toddler, walk beside him at 12 after they found him at the Temple with the religious leaders, and Jesus as a young man whom he taught to be a carpenter.

Wonder about the journey of the Wise men – how they recognized the astronomical phenomenon and travelled for sooooooo long from different parts of the world, they journeyed together for one purpose: to worship the new King of the Jews. Once they encountered Jesus they were changed, and were able to recognize and follow the voice of God. What happened when they arrived home? How did they share what they experienced for those many months?

Wonder about encountering Jesus. I know Jesus as my personal Saviour, yet I greatly anticipate the day when I will encounter Jesus face to face…. I know I will gaze at Him in absolute WONDER, then embrace Him and perhaps my whole being will overflow with joy as I will sing:

“He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love”

Isaac Watts (hymn writer) of “Joy to the World”  who based the song on Psalm 98. Let’s press into this season with the element of WONDER and perhaps take on the posture illustrated in Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”


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A World Without Fear