Be the Salt.

AKC Post 01.20.21 (2).png

(3 Minute Read)

By Naomi Lorenzin

What’s for dinner tonight at your place? We’re having some nice juicy steak seasoned just right with Montreal Steak spice (my fave!), creamy garlic mashed potatoes, and the kids’ new favourite, Caesar salad!  Mmmm, it will be so worth the wait!

Each time I season steak and rub all that salty goodness into the soft, fleshy piece of meat, I wonder if I’m seasoning it too much, but in the end it’s always just right. One thing I’ve learned through my days of adulting is that there is great disappointment when all that effort has been put into dinner and it falls short because there’s not enough flavour. I like it when my taste buds dance!

Salt is a beautiful thing. It doesn’t really change flavour like rosemary or other spices will, it simply brings out the natural flavour of what it’s put onto. So, when Jesus tells us that we are to be salt to the world we live in, the flavour you bring will be different from the flavour I bring, but both are good and lovely! We are to be salty and delicious to those we rub shoulders with, rubbing all that Jesus goodness into others. 

I love how the Message says it: “Let me tell you why you’re here.  You’re here to be salt – seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth” (Mt 5:13).  The people of this world need some salt to bring out the flavour of God that surrounds them.  What an incredible opportunity to be a sous-chef to God!  

What kind of flavour are you bringing to your kids’ ministry each Sunday?  Or to your mid-week family programs, outreach events, and simply to your neighbours?  What kind of taste does your life and ministry have?

Take some time to stop and check your seasoning. These kids and families deserve the very best, and so do you! Take time to really experience the “God flavours” and share that same great taste!  Make your ministry, and life, be the best flavour they’ve experienced all week and leave them wanting more!  Love God, love others, and allow the people in your life, and ministry, to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8)!

What kind of seasoning are you bringing to your world today?

“Let me tell you why you’re here.  You’re here to be salt – seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth” (Mt 5:13 MSG).


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