Never Forgotten

AKC Post 01.27.21 (2).png

(2 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Each Monday, a group of us involved with the Awesome KidMin Conference pray about the conference and for all of the people connected to it. If the weather isn’t terrible, I’m usually walking the pup while we pray. Being in nature and praising God really is balm for the soul.

On this particular Monday, I commented about the fog and how I could barely see more than 20 feet in front of me. To my surprise, my area of town was the only one covered in fog. Everyone else had blue skies and sunshine. Same city. Same time of day. Totally different weather. And it hit me. How many of us are walking in sunshine while our brother and sister are stumbling through fog? 

I freely admitted to the prayer team that I had a hard time seeing. But later, I wondered if I would be as free on sharing about a spiritual fog? Would I be open enough to share burdens, doubts, an inability to see where I needed to go? I’d like to think I would be. But I know myself well. 

Sharing our insecurities is terribly difficult. But why? The Bible teaches how we are never forgotten. How we were known in our mother’s womb. How the hairs on our head are counted. I could go on and on and on.  But we are going to stumble. Everyone does. 

But here’s the beauty about stumbling. You rise up wiser. You know now where not to tread. You know which path is safer. Perhaps we should look at our spiritual fog as an opportunity to grow… instead of looking at it as a place of weakness. We really are hard on ourselves and yet we serve a God who loves us infinitely.

Thank you Jesus for a love that never changes. And thank you Jesus for a community of believers who will help us when we stumble. Because that is exactly who we are called to be. 

A QUESTION FOR YOU: Do you find it difficult to talk about your insecurities with others? How can you come alongside someone else to encourage them in the same way?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).


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