Take Hold of God’s Hand

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(1 Minute Read)

By Cathy Dyck

Have you held someone’s hand lately?

I have often felt overwhelmed. There are too many things on the “to do” list. There are too many things stretching me beyond my comfort zone. There are too many things that are feeling HARD. But then I am reminded that I have a God who willingly and with love says to me:

“For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you,‘
Do not fear; I will help you.”

Holding hands with someone feels pretty darn good. How amazing that the King of Kings reaches out to take hold of my hand. I am not alone. 


What is overwhelming you today? Whose hand are you reaching for?

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).

Want more encouragement and inspiration? Click on the image below to access the registration page for “Still Anchored” Awesome KidMin Conference 2021, online March 12-13!


Looking for Love


Never Forgotten