Consider the Cross

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By Lisa Schau

Monday was a hard day. I felt overlooked and taken for granted and resentful. So I pouted and huffed and complained.

On Tuesday, the dark cloud persisted. Part way through the morning, while waiting in my car for an appointment, the thought came to me that I should look to the cross. I could have shoved that thought away, but I decided to take the risk.

As I considered the deliberate act of self-sacrifice that the Holy One chose and did not shrink back, something changed in me. My heart, which had grown cold, like I had been standing outside for too long, was warmed by the fire of my Saviour’s love.

And suddenly, I was home, and the disappointments of yesterday faded into insignificance as I was wrapped in a love far greater and more permanent than even the best human replica. ~ Lisa ~

Questions for You: What disappointments are plaguing you? Are you willing to let them melt by the fire of eternal love? Consider the cross, and the great Love of Him who chose to go there on our behalf.

Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1)


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