Jesus Meets Our Needs

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By Heidi Schartner

"Mom, I’m hungry!" I’d heard rumours of this bottomless pit phase but until you hear "I’m hungry" and then witness the actual amount of food consumed, you don’t quite believe it.

The story of Manna coming from the heavens is a childhood classic. Imagine seeing bread falling from the sky! But the lesson it holds rings true in adulthood as well.

The people were in need. God provided. And that promise also holds true today.

Whatever your need might be…patience, wisdom, volunteers…God will provide. As often as I hear the "I’m hungry" I know full well God hears it a billion times more. He doesn’t roll His eyes. In fact, He welcomes and wants to hear our needs.

Be bold and ask. If bread can fall from the sky, your need can’t possibly seem that far fetched. ~ Heidi ~

QUESTION FOR YOU: Is there anything you’ve been afraid to ask for? Perhaps thinking it's too grand?

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)


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