My Heart is Steadfast

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By Heidi Schartner

I’ve recently discovered a song called ‘Hosanna’ by Hillsong. If you have the joy of driving with me in the car, this is the song I am currently belting out… much to the joy of Stella, the pup who takes it all in stride.

I can almost make it to the end without tearing up. Almost.

Here’s the thing about music. It moves. It brings out emotions. It ushers us into a moment of worship.

I know things are not ideal. I know things are hard. In fact, they could be at an all-time low.

Crank up the praise music my friend. Let God surround you as you bathe in the words and let them wash over you. Let the music lift you up. Let it set you right. Let it remind you that God. Loves. You.

QUESTION FOR YOU: What favourite praise and worship songs lift you up when you are feeling discouraged?

My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. (Psalm 57:7)


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