Finding Real Joy

(4 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Growing up with two older brothers could have been really dramatic. I could say that they were horribly mean. I could say they never included me. I could say they made fun of me. But I really can’t. They let me tag along and played for hours with me. Their friends were my friends. And it really bothered them when I got hurt. They were (and still are) great brothers. 

Except when they found out that one of the meanings of the name ‘Heidi’ is iron maiden. They had a field day with that one for years. Another nickname I had though was from my parents. They called me ‘sunshine’ and they still do. I far prefer this nickname and I still love it when they use it. 

What does a name have to do with today’s advent candle? This week we are celebrating the candle of Joy. Our church is going through some of the Old Testament prophets and we’re looking at Zephaniah. In chapter 3 he writes: “The Lord your God is with you, the MIGHTY WARRIOR who saves. He will take great delight in you, in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” 

Did you catch the name Zephaniah uses to describe the promised Messiah? Mighty Warrior. When I hear that name, I think of a winning battle. I think of a protector. I think of having someone fighting for me and alongside me. This is the Saviour! Perhaps your church upbringing focused on this but I came from a Mennonite background and the idea of Jesus being a Warrior didn’t get a lot of attention. It really should have!

How often do we feel alone in our ministry? How often do we feel that we are fighting a good fight with very few with us? Hundreds of years before His birth, Jesus’ purpose was already declared - He is here to fight for us. He is here to fight for you. He is here to save the world. 

Needing a bit more reassurance? Let’s jump to the New Testament and look at Matthew 1:23. “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel - which means “God with us.”

Immanuel. God with us. Long before his arrival, Jesus’ purpose is foretold. And now its coming true. Mary is told this exceptional news and the message she is given, gives you and I immeasurable hope. Our Mighty Warrior is also Immanuel. In other words, our defender will never leave us.

My brothers and sisters, the work we do in children’s ministry can be hard but it is also an exceptional honour to introduce families and children to the real meaning of joy. How can we not find JOY today when we remember who Jesus is? Even the angels proclaimed it! 

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”

This advent, I pray you will be reminded why we can have real joy. We are not alone in our battle and Jesus accomplished his purpose. Our Mighty Warrior, this Immanuel, died to save us. That is how great His love is for you and I.


A Love That Exceeds All


Wrestling With Doubt