Wrestling With Doubt

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

The silent battles that wage inside our heads can truly be deafening. The doubt, the negativity, the “you’re no match for this” arguments I have with myself could be the stuff courtroom dramas are made of (but there are no ending credits).

The battles can indeed last for a very long time and I am the only one who can end it. Why? Because no one else knows what I’m thinking. Well, that’s not quite true. The Bible clearly tells us in Psalm 139 that “you [Lord] discern my thoughts from afar.” Argh. How embarrassing. 

How is it possible that we can know full well that we are deeply loved and yet question the very purpose to which we are called? It just doesn’t add up. What frustrates me the most is that if anyone came to me and shared their doubts, I would have a litany of biblically based truths to help guide and encourage them. For myself though? The saying “you are your own worst enemy” unfortunately rings true. 

The devil loves to hold us down, keep our doubts swirling, and create barricades at every opportunity. The thoughts of doubt are not from God. They are not. They are, however, exceptionally creative and useful tactics to keep you from doing those things of which you are capable. Why do we give in to them? Personally, saying “I can’t” gives me just enough wiggle room to justify what happens if I fail. “See, I knew I couldn’t!” can quickly become my anthem to stop moving forward. 

So where is there hope? I find it in Psalm 23

“He restores my soul.”

“He leads me…”

“… for you are with me.”

“… my cup overflows.”

I can’t change a single thing on my own. This battle is far greater than my capabilities. It’s why I keep getting attacked. Thank the good Lord almighty that He’s battling for me. I just need to get out of the way and let His power do the work. 

Be encouraged dear friends. The doubt we all face might be “usual” but it does not define us. We are called to do a good work, not for our own glory but for the families we love and serve. Claim victory over those silent battles by speaking God’s name out loud. There is no match for the matchless name of Jesus. He is on our side.


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