Where Do I Fit In?

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Where do I fit in? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably asked yourself this question a few times over the years. Usually, it is associated with friendship circles and with whom you might have a connection. For Advent, the question “Where do I fit in?” ties in beautifully with the second candle, the candle for peace

My husband has discovered the knack for baking sourdough. It is really very good. My children rejoice because actual baking is taking place in our household. This hidden talent was only cultivated because of the pandemic.

However, we made another discovery during this time - our family will not cultivate its puzzling abilities. Like so many, we were on a puzzle craze, but we should have let this bandwagon pass us by. None of us enjoyed it after the first hour or two. There was a bit of excitement, at the end when we were placing the last pieces…until we couldn’t find the last piece. (Note to self: monitor the 9-year old more closely.) We ended up finding the piece, congratulated ourselves and then vowed to take a break from puzzling… which we’re still on. 

The elusive puzzle piece looked just the same as other thousand when we opened the box. However, when we started putting together that puzzle, each piece became really important. Each piece had a very specific place. My friend, that is us in ministry. 

Facing the questions

The definition of peace is a freedom from disturbance. Earlier I asked the question “Where do I fit in?” That question can cause a lot of disturbance, can’t it? The idea of not knowing exactly what our role is, what our tasks are, if we are doing enough or even too much. So. Many. Questions. With each question, comes this sense of not knowing exactly who we are.

Except we do know.

You are an important piece in God’s Kingdom. Each of us is created with unique gifts and talents. Each of us is created with a purpose. That knowledge gives us the peace in which we can find rest. 

The angels proclaimed it! “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests” (Luke 2:14).

Did you catch it? God’s favour rests on each of His children. That includes YOU. He gives us a freedom from all that noise, negativity, and doubt. His peace gives us the firm knowledge that we are an important piece of His work here on Earth. 

So, where do you fit in? Right in God’s plan.

Read the first post in our Advent series: Advent Hope: Looking forward with confidence.


Wrestling With Doubt


Advent Hope: Looking Forward with Confidence