How To Love Your Volunteers!

How to Love On Your Volunteers (2).png

(3 Minute Read)

By Naomi Lorenzin

One of my most favourite parts of my job is appreciating my volunteers! One thing I did was write cards. I tried to create one volunteer card/week to ensure each volunteer annually received a card of encouragement and appreciation. Often I’d get lost in it as I prayed and wept for my team members.

I received so much insight into the lives of my very special people in those moments. God showed me glimpses of who they were and I was often encouraged in return with a thank you and an invitation to go deeper with them. 

You could try snail mail, too! One of the grandmas who brought her grandkids to our ministry sent me a few cards in my time there. She always put confetti inside the card, which ALWAYS made me smile!  IF you can’t have glitter, confetti really is the next best thing!!  I’ve adopted this in my snail mail creations, too!

With Volunteer Week just around the corner how are you showing your team just how much you appreciate and value them? Appreciating volunteers in this way doesn’t have to take a lot of time. I would encourage you though; be sure to take as much time as GOD wants you to take!

Here are some practical, fun (and maybe cheesy) ideas – nearly all of which I’ve found on Pinterest!  

  • Summer’s coming! How about a home-made sugar scrub with sugar and coconut oil and a drop of essential oils in a tiny mason jar! 

  • For those men on your team, try a single serve bag of beef jerky with a note that says “Thanks for beefing up our kid’s ministry!”

  • One year I made my grandma’s homemade Nuts ‘n Bolts recipe – the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right?! Your note here could say “thanks for being the nuts and bolts of our ministry!”

  • A keychain or lanyard with a note that says “Thanks for unlocking the truth in a child’s life!”

  • Mail them a tea bag with a note saying, “Thanks for being a ‘tea-rrific’ part of our ministry!”

  • A Starbucks/Tim Hortons/local coffee shop gift card that says “Thanks a latte!” For a little less cheese, add this to a genuine heartfelt card telling them how awesome they are and how much you appreciate them!

  • Something as simple as a note saying you’re praying for them can do wonders for your team!

Looking for more ideas? Try Pinterest and search ‘volunteer appreciation’; that’s my go-to when looking for some fresh new ideas!

I pray you are blessed as you reach out and bless those who give so much for you and your ministry!

QUESTION FOR YOU: How will you reach out to your volunteers this week?

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13: 34-35).


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