The Silence of Saturday

AKC Post 04.03.21 (3).png


By Chay Stratton
Children’s & Community Pastor, Grace Community Church, Winnipeg, MB

The Easter season has always been my favourite season. Even though this year is again a lot different, I still see the redemption of humanity and the raw emotion that comes through this moment in history.

Everything happened fast it seems for the disciples and followers of Jesus. In a weekend the Son of Man they loved and clung to was taken from them in a very real and excruciating time. I think of the mourning and the emotion that was felt on that Saturday: knowing, believing, hoping. Not knowing the full invasive triumph that awaited. I think of them trying to go about ways the same as before. The women going to Jesus’ body to continue with the burial traditions. Joseph respecting the body of Jesus enough to give Him a proper burial instead of being thrown with the rest of the criminals. Joseph and Nicodemus came to Jesus after His death.

Yet it was because of their preparations and bold obedience that the Lord’s body was also ready for the day of rest. The silence of Saturday, though seemingly despairing, was given a ray of hope because of the complete change in heart that these men expressed.

Saturday was silent, but God was still working. Even in the heaviness of the death of Jesus, even in the silence, hearts were turning to hope.

We celebrate Sunday because Jesus has RISEN! But I know in this season and maybe even today it may still feel like a silent Saturday for you; the weight of the world may still be in your heart. Know that God sees you, your emotions are valid, your mourning is valid, and He sees this and He offers you hope. The same hope that Mary experienced when she saw her teacher for the first time since the cross (John 20:11 - 18).

The first thing Jesus said to the disciples when He rose was "Peace be with you". My prayer for you today is however busy, strange, hard or different this season of ministry has been for you that you find peace in our Saviour. He has beaten death and He carries your burdens even now. May you find peace in this today.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).


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