How to Measure Success

(5 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

“If you build it, they will come.”

This famous line from the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ is often quoted for those who are on the brink of a new venture. We know it worked well for Kevin Costner but our lives aren’t a well-scripted Hollywood movie. Sometimes ‘new’ doesn’t always work out well and sometimes it goes better than we hoped. We just don’t know how it will turn out. 

The process of creating can be exhilarating, but also exhausting. If the reason for change is due to good circumstances, then the long hours and details poured into the planning seem worth it. If the reason for the change is hardship, then the time spent can just be draining. 

What are you building now? A new program or perhaps a new volunteer team? If you build it… will they come? This is where Hollywood got it wrong. It’s not us building anything. All our work is to be for the glory and honour of God. Perhaps we should change that famous quote to “If God builds it, His will be done.”

If we adopt the new and improved quote, are we in the clear? Hmmm. Not quite yet.

In ‘Field of Dreams’, success was determined by who showed up. We, however, cannot associate success with the number of attendees. Trust me when I say that this is so hard to do!

The Awesome KidMin Conference planning team is truly praying for many attendees to come to our event in March. We want you to be there! I’m trying out a new program in my church this Fall. I want people there! But what is our definition of success? 

Success cannot be based on what the world says is good. We are not called to that standard.

So how do you measure success? A few thoughts came to mind:

  • Was God glorified?

  • Was the Bible preached?

  • Did people feel invited/welcomed?

  • Did a child/caregiver leave with a bit more God-knowledge?

How do you define ‘God success’? Leave your ideas in the comments!

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

Let’s diligently commit whatever we do to the Lord. However He wants it to succeed is how it will succeed. I pray that a peace that transcends all understanding gives you the strength to carry on, no matter what the result might be!


Advent Hope: Looking Forward with Confidence


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