What We Thought…

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Our family had a bit of a scare recently. What we thought would be a doctor’s visit, turned into a week-long stay in the hospital. What we thought was a 12-hour flu turned out to be a ruptured appendix in my 14-year-old daughter. What we thought was that the surgery would be the biggest hurdle but in actuality, it was the necessary antibiotics that caused the most havoc.

What we thought…. my goodness. How often has that line of thinking come out over these past few years in family ministry? Too often, what we think turns out to be different from what actually is. 

My assumptions about children’s ministry has changed greatly over the past two years. I fully admit that, unintentionally, my focus on the programs and all that they entail took precedence over who the programs were for. I didn’t do it on purpose, I promise. But the church has been rattled and I for one am glad that I got a wake up call. What I thought was being challenged and I’m liking what I see. 

I see families returning, albeit cautiously. I see children excited to be with their friends. I see people singing and praying together. The programs that once were might come back. They might not.

I’ve learned that with church, its best to take it one season at a time. I’ve also learned that whatever the season is, the purpose will never change. On that, what I thought has stayed the same: Teach families about God. Teach families about the salvation of Jesus. Teach families that it is worth spending time in this community. 

We will continue to be challenged, of that I am certain, but my encouragement is this: Each challenge brings opportunity for spiritual growth and that will benefit your ministry greatly. What we thought might continue to change but we have one constant. God stays the same. His message of love stays the same. His message of salvation stays the same. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 says this: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” You and I might stumble in our assumptions but thank the good Lord that He is sufficient! Thank the good Lord for His grace. I pray that the promise of that gives you the confidence you need to continue this good work.


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