In Our Weakness, He is Strong

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By Cathy Dyck

I have a sticky note on my computer that is there to remind me: “Remove from me any spirit of complaint.”

This morning, as I read it, the thought that came to me was “BUSTED.” Recently I said “yes” to a ministry opportunity that I felt was Spirit-led. My preparation didn’t go anything like I had planned. It was tough slogging.

I disregarded that sticky note. I did my fair share of complaining to God about the assignment I had been given. I forgot to live in the truth that He equips the called. I forgot that it is in my weakness that He is made strong. Perhaps I need to get rid of the sticky note and put up a big neon sign instead.

QUESTION FOR YOU: What do you find yourself complaining about these days? What promise of God do you need to claim?

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault..." (Philippians 2: 14-15a)


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