Jesus Stays the Same

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By Heidi Schartner

“That’s my favourite!” “I love it!” I wonder how many times I’ve used those two expressions and then changed my mind shortly thereafter!

I used to seriously dislike coffee. Now, there are days it acts like an IV. I used to have a favourite pair of jeans. Now, they don’t fit. So… not my favourite anymore.

How thankful am I that our loving Saviour doesn’t change His mind like we do. He doesn’t play favourites. He loves each of us. And that’s a full on guaranteed promise. Oh yeah, He’s also someone that doesn’t break His promises. I truly mean this when I say "Thank the Lord!"

QUESTION FOR YOU: What is your favourite Bible verse for this season of your life?

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)


Keep Your Eyes on the Path Ahead


In Our Weakness, He is Strong