Keep Your Eyes on the Path Ahead

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By Naomi Lorenzin

Recently I took my young pup for his walk. Those passing by were all bundled up for the weather, and he is just not sure about these strange-looking humans.

All was well during our walk that day, until he glanced back and saw a brightly dressed "Michelin Man" following us! My dog could not get home fast enough!

He would slow his pace, look behind, trip me up, then take off running, followed by a yanking of the leash. This went on fro some time until we finally turned the corner and that "big bad man" was out of sight!

This made me think of this new kind of ministry in which we find ourselves. How many times have you tripped up because you were looking back?

Ministry is not what it used to be (Can I get an amen?!). Small groups are trickier, relationships are distant, online ministry is now a "thing" no matter what size the church.

If we are still trying to minister to kids like we did before this pandemic, we may be missing the mark. We may be tripping ourselves, and others, up if we are hanging onto what church was pre-pandemic.

QUESTIONS FOR YOU: What do you need to let go of in your context? What do you need to move toward that will bring blessing and discipleship? Allow God to lead you in the way of an everlasting ministry as you fix your gaze directly before you. Where is God calling you in your ministry today?

"Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths of your feet and be steadfast in all your ways." Proverbs 4:25-26


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