Look Beyond

AKC Post Blog 02.25.21 (2).png

(2 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Do you remember those pictures where you had to stare at them for a really long time? And then magically, a new image would come through? It took me forever to figure it out. My eyes burned during the whole process because you weren’t supposed to blink. The advice was ‘Look beyond what you can see’.

What?! Like, I need to look at the wall behind it?

But then, it just clicked. I was just tickled pink that I figured it out. The advice that seemed so silly before suddenly made perfect sense. Then I was the one saying ‘Look beyond what you can see’. Like somehow I became a pro at it. 

Sometimes I look at Bible stories the same way. How in the world did the Israelites not trust God after so many miracles? How did those who witnessed Jesus’ miracles doubt who He really was? Why could they not just see what was in front of them? 

Then I remember my own doubts and insecurities. And I understand. Sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of us. Our view is clouded by shouts from the world. We are clouded by divisiveness. We are clouded by anything that distracts us from the Word of God. 

Our God is faithful though. And patient. So very patient. While we might be unable to ‘see’ God’s plan, His plan is still there.

Perhaps you need clarity. Perhaps you need confirmation. Perhaps you need to hear that you’re where you need to be.

Have faith dear friend, God’s got you. While it might not be clear to you now, He will make His plans known to you. Keep looking to Him. In time, it will just click and make perfect sense. 

A QUESTION FOR YOU: What is clouding your vision? Give it to God, and trust that He will make your way clear in His time.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9).

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In God’s Embrace


Looking for Love