In God’s Embrace

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(2 Minute Read)

By Cathy Dyck

What kind of hugger are you?

Dean is my 2-year-old grandson. He is exuberant and animated, especially when I first arrive at his house, or he at mine. And one thing he is especially good at is hugging. His arms wrap around me and he squeezes tight.  His is always a warm and solid EMBRACE.

Recently I read in Hebrews 11 that Abraham EMBRACED God’s promises to make him into a great nation through Isaac, even in the midst of being asked to sacrifice him.  The definitions of EMBRACE in the dictionary include: to wrap your arms tightly around; to cherish; to accept readily.  

Could it be that Abraham was able to do what God asked him to do because he had wrapped his heart around and had cherished what God had promised? I believe that was the key to him being able to follow through in obedience, trusting that God would fulfil His promise.

Whichever one of God’s promises you need today, may you embrace it as Abraham did, and walk fully confident in God’s faithfulness. 

A QUESTION FOR YOU: Where do you find yourself today?  Which of His promises do you need to embrace?

By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.  He who had EMBRACED the promises was about to sacrifice His one and only Son… He reasoned that God could even raise the dead… (Hebrews 11:17-19).

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