Perspective Changes Everything

(4 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Most of the yard and housework gets done with a fairly joyful spirit….mostly. But there’s one task that I truly don’t like: weeding. They just don’t quit. You pull out their roots and they come back. You turn your back for three days and you’re surrounded by these green rodents that don’t get the hint that they are not welcomed.

On the other hand, I admire their tenacity. They seem to find a way to take root and not let their environment dictate their lifespan. Today, I finally got down to business and even got the kids to help out. Misery loves company. However, while I am silently grumbling, I hear my kids exclaim their wonder at these beautiful weeds. 

“Mom! Look at the colour of this one!” “Mom! Take a look at how long these roots are!” “Mom! We could make a beautiful arrangement out of these!”

Sigh. They did it again. My kids taught me another life lesson. There is beauty all around us. But our perspective can change ‘beautiful' into ‘ugly' pretty quickly. I’m glad I didn’t taint my kids before we went out. I’m glad I didn’t express my utter distaste for these green beings that seem to grow better than what I’ve intentionally planted. I’m glad I saw them through the eyes of those who didn’t see weeding as a horrible task but a chance to discover.

I took a nugget from our afternoon… perspective changes everything.

Is there a task you’re putting off? Is there a phone call or email you’re dreading? Is there a conversation that just needs to take place? There are many unknowns, especially when it comes to ministry and Fall programming.

But this is what is KNOWN: “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 ). Instead of wondering if you’ve got what it takes or if the end result will be positive or negative, remember that God has got you covered. God will give you exactly what you need.

Our challenge is to change our perspective from one of ‘worry’ to one of ‘wonder’. We serve an incredible God who will meet us exactly where we need Him. Let’s keep our eyes on Him and our focus be where He wants it to be.


Hold Unswervingly


Chosen By God