Hold Unswervingly


(5 Minute Read)

By Lisa Schau

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)

Ever since we selected Hebrews 10:23 as the theme verse for Awesome KidMin Conference 2022, it has become a touchstone for me. In these days when so much is changing and uncertain, I am deep-down-glad that there are verses like this to remind us of what’s true!

Here are some thoughts that come to me when I contemplate it, and why I think it is such an appropriate verse for AKC 2022.

Let us: These words are not written to you or to me only. It is written for us. We are the body of Christ together. Hear these words from your sister, and pass them on to our other brothers and sisters. Let US do this thing together.

Hold unswervingly: Have you ever been in a tug-of war, maybe in PE class or at a church picnic? Two teams are formed on either end of one of those extremely long, thick, multi-cord ropes. Remember how it felt to know that the people behind you and ahead of you were also gripping that same rope? You didn’t have to do it on your own!

And yet, each individual can only grip for themselves. Each one must feel the rough fibers of the rope on their skin, experience the rope-burn from the friction each time the rope slips. Each one must decide moment by moment to grip tighter and strain against the pressure. What for? For the benefit of their neighbours, and for the delight and glory of the team.

To the hope we profess: Now look down at your ‘hands’. What is it you were holding on to, and putting your hopeful energy into this week?

Was it your to do list? Believing that if you were just organized enough, you could accomplish everything necessary?

Was it the approval from others? That if you just work to make these people happy, then you will finally be at peace?

Was it a dream of yours? An ideal you have been striving for in your family, your community, or your ministry that simply isn’t materializing in your current situation, no matter how hard you try?

Or is it the hope of Christ, who is over all and in all? Is it our Saviour for whom all things were made and in whom you live and move and have your being? The one who offered Himself as a sacrifice to be slaughtered so that we could be ransomed from darkness into light? The one who does all things well?


What lesser ‘hopes’ do you tend to hold on to these days?

What will it cost you to hold unswervingly to the hope of Christ instead?

What verses do you hold on to these days as rock-solid promises that you could be sharing with your team?

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)


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