Unusual Transformations

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Usually, my summer months are full-on planning mode for the fall. I connect with possible volunteers, plan and book events and even start on the Christmas Eve service. I. Am. A. Planner. 

Usually, I am a glass half-full type of person where there’s a full water pitcher within arms reach. I like to problem solve, think things through and give the benefit of the doubt. I can be annoyingly optimistic. 

Things aren’t so usual right now though and I find myself wondering what the future will look like. I know there are incredible opportunities around the corner. How? Because God will never be done with bringing children closer to Him. I know He is all-powerful and all-knowing! But I don’t know what the future looks like and thus, I’m feeling a little left out. 

The story of Gideon comes to mind. This incredible battle warrior had tens of thousands of followers, ready to do whatever he commanded. God had a different plan though. He didn’t need all the tens of thousands. Each time God asked Gideon to shrink his defences, Gideon did it. It seems unlikely that his fellow battlers (is that even a real word?) loved this plan. The idea of going against their enemy with fewer people probably didn’t sit very well. But, Gideon ignored the ‘usual’ fight plan and went to God’s plan. It turned out pretty awesome for Gideon. I have full faith it will turn out pretty awesome for us. 

Church is no longer at the same point it was back in 2020. It just isn’t. That doesn’t mean it is in a worse off place. In fact, it creates new opportunities that we wouldn’t have made time for. We might have a full army, or we might have a Gideon-sized one. As long as God is leading you, your ministry will be exactly what it needs to be. 

I’ll admit though, I am in mourning of what was. Mostly because I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. It was just taken away. In addition to being a planner and annoyingly optimistic, I am also very sentimental. However, reading the story of Gideon sparks a new hope in me. What was ‘usual’ is being transformed into something more than my simple eye can see. I am honoured to be along on this journey.

Where does it lead? Only God knows. And that, my dear friends, is all I need to know.

And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to hand Midian over to them, otherwise Israel would become boastful, saying, ‘My own power has saved me.’ (Judges 7:2)


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