The Gift of Connection


(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

There’s a special box tucked away in my closet. I see it each day, but never use it. Simply looking at it floods me with a wealth of loving memories. It's wrapped in paper that comes from a different decade. The tape has yellowed. I’m almost afraid to use it in fear that it might start to crumble. 

The original owner of the box was my Omi. At each birthday she’d place her thoughtfully purchased gift inside the box. We, as her grandchildren, knew to expect the box but never knew what was inside. While we appreciated and loved the thoughtful gift, the box it came in gave us just as much joy.

We came to expect the box each year… because with the box came this incredible woman. She listened. She encouraged. She laughed easily. She always had time. When she was with us, the world seemed to quiet and her presence flooded us with calm. Each of us cousins are unique and different and yet she could connect with every single one of us. 

The Good Lord called Omi home unexpectedly. Well, unexpectedly for us. His timing is not always our own. After her passing, we were able to enter her apartment and select a memento that was special to us. I chose the box. It has become a humble reminder to me when I’m feeling disconnected to someone. There is always a way to connect. It might take time. It might take a lot of effort. It might take incredible sacrifice. But there is always a way to connect. 

Do you have that child in your group? The one that feels so distant? The one that feels so unreachable? Take heart, my friend. With God, there is always a way.

You see, the box our birthday gifts came in represents the Holy Spirit. Each of us comes equipped with unique gifts and talents. Each of us has something special this world needs. But what is the same for us all is the Holy Spirit. The unreachable can be reached if we are all using our gifts. How I connect with someone might not be how you connect. And that is spectacular. 

There is always a way to connect with those around us. We might need to step aside to allow others’ gifts and talents reach those who are feeling at arms length. There is no shame in that. In fact, it takes someone with great character to step aside and let someone else step in. Be prayerful in these decisions but trust that God is at work through each of you. Together, God’s love can be shown in incredible ways. 

A QUESTION FOR YOU: How are you using your gifts, talents, and abilities to make a special connection with the kids in your life?

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4)


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