Keep on Keeping On


(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

It may not know it, but Google maps and I are in a competition. When I’ve set my destination and am given the time of arrival, my inner competitor comes alive. The problem is this - the estimated time of arrival fluctuates. The original time given will often shift depending on traffic, construction, detours etc. The time promised at the onset of our journey is not set in stone. It is given freedom to adjust depending on its circumstances. How lovely for Google maps. 

That freedom to adjust is not always easy to come by for us mere mortals. The hurdles we face can make it extremely difficult to stay on track and keep our word. Well-meant promises can sometimes fall short… and while it might be out of our control, it doesn’t feel good to not hold up our end of the deal. If only we could fluctuate like Google maps. 

2 Chronicles 15:7 is the verse that gives us a bit of grace though. While we need to be mindful to not carelessly make promises that aren’t doable, we can’t give up when we are struggling. “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” It doesn’t say ‘might be’; this verse tells us that our work ‘will be’ rewarded. 

It’s very hard to not give up when our plans don't pan out. But we are to remain strong. And here’s the good news. We aren’t supposed to rely on our strength. We have something far greater than measly Google maps. We have God on our side. He doesn’t fluctuate or change his promises - He is the one solid we can always count on. 

So, when you’re falling short (which is inevitable for us all) remember that we are told to be strong. Rely on God for a strength that will always endure and keep up the good work… even when the route starts to ‘recalculate’. 

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." (2 Chronicles 15:7)


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