The Best Ingredients for Shaping a Human

(2 Minute Read)

By Cathy Dyck

The other day I worked out with my daughter. Well, not in the same physical space actually. We were both in the same online workout. As she worked out with her camera on (encouraged by the coach) I could see that her son, not quite 3, had joined her and at various times was in her space.  

I caught a great moment right at the end of the workout. This little guy sat on his mom’s  lap as she was stretching, and rather than pushing him aside, as some might be apt to do, she wrapped her arm around him. They had a brief friendly chat followed by a hug. What went through my mind at that moment was: “Look at that. She is shaping the life of a human.”

It’s crazy isn’t it? God in his Sovereignty, chooses for His greatest treasures, children, to be raised and have their lives shaped by a bunch of adults. These are moms and dads and ministry leaders, who don’t always feel up for the job; they get some things right, and some things not so right.  

I don’t know how you’re feeling about the role you play in the lives of the kids you care about. One thing I believe is that the kids in your life are not there by accident, but by God’s design.

Galatians 5:22 should be a great reminder to us all. Amidst all the resources we have access to - the great podcasts, books, and blogs - we would be wise to first and foremost choose to live each day keeping company with Jesus. The fruit of that will be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. I can’t imagine any better ingredients to mix together in the shaping of a human life.

A Question for You:

How are you keeping company with Jesus these days?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.” (Galatians 5:22)


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