When Less is More

Letting God speak His truth through our words.

AKC Post 06.23.21.png

3 Minute Read

By Heidi Schartner

Growing up, I always wanted a dog. I was the only one in my family who did. I had a brother who wanted a bird, but you can’t cuddle a bird. My parents met me halfway; they got me an outdoor rabbit. They didn’t catch a wild one. They legit bought a rabbit from a breeder and I got to take Roger home. 

We built a beautiful hutch for Roger and gave him fresh hay. In the cold months, my dad rigged up a heating system so that Roger would survive. But Roger didn’t really like his hutch. When I let him out to play in our backyard, he took off all the time and visions of me walking my rabbit down the road quickly disappeared. 

Fast forward 25+ years and look who has a dog. Me! Much to the surprise and delight of my children, we have a pup. We’ve named her Stella and she has quickly broken every law I swore would be in place if we ever got a dog. She’s terribly cute, which makes saying ‘no’ extra hard. 

One of my favourite things to do is ask Stella a question. She cocks her head slightly as if to indicate that she’s trying really hard to understand me. Basic commands, she’s got down pat but lengthy conversations with Mom? Well, we’re still working on that. 

I wonder how many ‘lengthy’ conversations I’ve had in my ministry where kids are trying really hard to understand me but I’ve just gone into the great unknown. I hope they know my heart and that I’m trying. But I also hope I’m not missing out on simple opportunities to share God’s truth. I hope my own words aren’t muddying up what God is trying to say. 

Our youth pastor starts each message with the same verse: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14). It’s a great way to begin any conversation with anyone, but especially with little ones. It’s a wonderful reminder that sometimes less really is more!


What conversations can you have with the kids and families in your ministry this week?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)


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