When Plans Change

AKC Post 05.26.21.png

(3 Minute Read)

By Heidi Schartner

Renovating can be a really fun experience. I mean that with all sincerity. It’s awesome to see something change from old to new, or from impractical to practical.

Renovating becomes less fun though when weeks turn into months and budgets fly out the window. It is surprising how often that happens when renovations start; the original plan often changes along the way. 

I believe the last year has shown us that time and time again. Our original plan has changed along the way. Now, I don’t like a lot of change. I really love routine and familiarity and yet those two concepts are long gone in my ministry. Here’s the part that surprises me: I’m actually okay with it… now. Turns out I needed a little reno work as well. 

A new truth has emerged for me. I need to do a far better job connecting with families. Some of you may be hitting this out of the ball park but I know full well that I am not. I was focused on the kids with a little sprinkling of family thrown in. I had my children’s ministry role on far too high a pedestal. I never intended to do that but over the years, that’s where I ended up. 

The pandemic restrictions showed just how much I needed to partner with the caregivers, to provide them with more than I was. It has been incredibly humbling and my original plans have indeed changed. 

I am excited for the future, about what the ‘final’ result might turn out to be. While I cannot guarantee what changes are coming, I know full well that God is at work. He’s begun to stir my heart and I pray you’re feeling it as well. 


What is God stirring in your heart? Is there a change that He is calling you to make? What steps will you take this week toward that goal?

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)


Keeping in Step


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