Keeping in Step

How Jacob’s story reminds us that God will work out His good plan in us, even when we fail.

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(2 Minute Read)

By Lisa Schau

Recently I was ‘stuck’ in Genesis with Jacob. I just can’t figure out why God put up with this guy for so long, with all the stunts he pulled, the lies he told, the way he shirked his responsibilities as a husband and a father...even his prayers sound awfully selfish to me! 

Why, asks my human heart, did God continue to show up, not to rebuke, but wrestle with and to bless this man, despite his complete moral failures?

This frustrates me a lot. But it also fills me with gratitude and hope. 

God’s work on earth, in my church, in my family, in the people I love, is not going to occur primarily because I’m good or diligent or wise. I will still strive to be those things, but I don’t hang my hopes on my efforts. Oh no. Because of the way God dealt with Jacob, I can anchor my hope on my perfect, all-wise, all-loving and all-powerful God who will continue to work out his good (though mysterious to me sometimes) and perfect plan.


Are you trusting in your own skills and understanding to get the job done? Or do you know for sure that you are walking with your Father, keeping step with Him for each new challenge?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)


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