Mega ReFuel Highlight Reel
Awesome KidMin did a thing this week, and it was a really awesome thing. We took our fabulous in-person event and hosted a similar event ONLINE. You may be scratching your head and wondering what you missed! No worries, I’m going to tell you AND there is no need for FOMO (fear of missing out)…
10 Ways to Thank Your Volunteers
However your ministry runs, we all know how valuable our volunteers are. We also know how much it means to hear the words ‘Thank You’. Here are some quick and easy ways for you to share your appreciation to your ministry team.
Give Thanks Up…
It’s so busy. We know. But, it is good for us to stop and give thanks. It is good to pause and reflect on the goodness we have bared witness to throughout the year.
10 Spring Activities
If you’re needing some creative Spring Time ideas, keep reading and hopefully you’re inspired to try out a few! If you have any additional ideas, please post on our Instagram/Facebook pages. We’d love to hear from you too!
New Growth
Have you noticed the changes outside? I’ll be honest. Right now, all I see is work. Getting rid of the grimy residue, cleaning up the yard (thank you Stella, our adorable dog…), sweeping away the gravel… it is a hot mess outside. And yet. The rain that falls today is washing away the dust and melting the stubborn snow. The birds have come back home and there are bits of green peeking out here and there. Change is coming.
10 Ways to Make AKC23 Count
You just sat in front of an amazing fire-house of great energy, ideas and information, you don’t want it to run down the drain. How do you steward all that goodness?
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss the AKC
So, what are you waiting for? SIGN UP TODAY for the AWESOME KIDMIN CONFERENCE 2023! We’ll see you there.
‘Resolutions’ is one of the more annoying words found in the dictionary. A simple break down shows us that it becomes ‘re’ and ‘solutions’. As in, the original solution to your problem didn’t work out. Thus, you’re in need of a restart, a need to reinvent or a resolve to get back to the drawing board once again.
10 Crafty Ways to Celebrate the Season
Hot glue, ribbons, paint, and fairy lights speak to me of warmth, laughter, frustration, and glorious if slightly askew crafty treasures made with individuals I enjoy spending time with.
No Need to be Ashamed
One of the many blessings of working in Children’s Ministry is to witness the unabashed freedom children have to ‘say it like it is’.
Praying Cats (and Kids)
Corralling six kids for a family prayer time looked a little like herding cats back in the day.
Praise, Ask, Strength, Sorry
Of the papers I’m privileged to, I am amazed at how deep these littles think. They pray for their families, friends, the environment, wars, sick loved ones and other stressors in their lives.
10 Ways to Cultivate Thanksgiving and Gratitude
October is always a good month to remind ourselves of the need to be thankful. We want our kids to be grateful for what they have. We desire to express our thanks in meaningful ways.
Jesus our Foundation
(2 minute read)
It’s that time of year. Where summer fun gets tucked away and the structure of Fall begins to dominate.
Seeking Wisdom
(3 Minute Read)
The importance of following God's leading to discern the way forward for our ministry.
Let’s Get Serious
(3 Minute Read)
We don’t have to be perfect to get serious about sharing Jesus!
Discover Joy in Study
(5 Minute Read)
Did you know study can be a spiritual discipline? Ideas for how you can dig into God’s Word to discover new truths and grow in your faith!
Building Them Up
(3 Minute Read)
Church needs to be seen as a safe place to share and ask questions. Once we have that foundation laid, building into the lives of our kids can begin!
Fasting: Fixing Our Eyes on God
(8 Minute Read)
The point of fasting is to feast on the Word, to move deeper into that love relationship with God. Fasting becomes feasting when we go deeper in the Word, experiencing it coming alive to us.