The Silence of Saturday
Saturday was silent, but God was still working. Even in the heaviness of the death of Jesus, even in the silence, hearts were turning to hope.
Let God Do the Driving
Perhaps during this past year you’ve felt like a combination of autopilot and crash test dummy. It’s time to take a moment to stop and let God take control.
In God’s Embrace
(2 Minute Read)
What it means to embrace God’s promises and move forward in confidence.
Look Beyond
(2 Minute Read) Needing clarity and confirmation that you’re where God wants you to be? You’re not alone! How we can focus in on what’s important.
Looking for Love
(3 Minute Read) What is true love, anyways? Is it even possible? Only one relationship meets the mark.
Take Hold of God’s Hand
(1 Minute Read) What is overwhelming you today? Whose hand are you reaching for? How amazing that the King of Kings reaches out to take hold of our hands. We are not alone.
Never Forgotten
(2 Minute Read) When you feel like you’re walking through a spiritual fog, where do you turn for help? How do we come alongside others who are struggling?
Be the Salt.
(3 Minute Read) How we can make our ministry (and lives!) the best thing kids experience all week…and leave them wanting more!
All That Glitters
How God can use us to reach kids and families with His good news, even if it means getting a little messy!
Have Faith
Are you wondering what path it is that God has you going down right now? He has a plan, even when we can’t quite see the way ahead.
My Heart is Steadfast
How music can fill us up and usher us into a moment of worship, even in the darkest times.
Jesus Meets Our Needs
Jesus know our needs, even before we ask. He provided manna from the sky…he can provide for us too!
Consider the Cross
When we’re having a really hard day, it might be time to take a minute to stop, take a breath and consider what Jesus gave for us.
We Will Follow
A beautiful new song featuring former AKC keynote speaker Beth Guckenberger reminds us about reckless faith and being willing to take the next step to where God is leading us.
Keep Your Eyes on the Path Ahead
Keeping our eyes on the path ahead is the best way to move forward with confidence.
In Our Weakness, He is Strong
Why we need to live in the truth that God equips the called. It is in our weakness that He is made strong.
Choosing to Spread Encouragement
How we can choose to spread encouragement, even when times are hard.