Hold Unswervingly
(5 Minute Read)
In times of change and challenge, how are you striving to hold on to the hope of Christ? Reflections on the theme verse for Awesome KidMin Conference 2022.
Perspective Changes Everything
(4 Minute Read)
As the fall ministry season gets underway, are you wondering if you’ve got what it takes? Remember: God's got you covered. He will give you exactly what you need.
Chosen By God
(8 Minute Read)
“I was no longer ministering out of my love relationship with God, but out of the need to get a job done. Sound familiar?” Take a moment to consider where you’re at as a kids’ ministry leader. Are you just “getting the job done” or are you truly serving with a heart connected to Jesus?
How to Think About Re-Entry
(8 Minute Read)
What if the idea of re-entry is what’s tethering you to yesterday and not allowing you to freely engage with tomorrow? A new way to think about the question on everyone’s minds: Where do we go from here?
Unusual Transformations
(3 Minute Read)
A reflection on the ministry plan that was, is, and will be and how it ties in with the story of Gideon.
The Gift of Connection
(3 Minute Read)
Each of us has something special that this world needs. How our skills, talents, and abilities can make a difference and show God’s love in incredible ways.
Keep on Keeping On
(3 Minute Read)
It’s very hard to not give up when our plans don't pan out. But we are to remain strong. And here’s the good news. We aren’t supposed to rely on our strength. We have God on our side.
The Best Ingredients for Shaping a Human
(2 Minute Read)
The kids in your life are not there by accident, but by God’s design. How are you shaping their lives? How is God shaping your own?
Angels on Our Side
(2 Minute Read)
God protects His children… including grownups. When you’re feeling low, remember you are a child of God. He’s got your back.
God’s Perfect Recipe
(2 Minute Read)
For someone to follow a recipe, there was first someone who decided to create something and then tested it enough times to confidently make a recipe for others to follow. But when it comes to God’s love for us and our kids…there no guesswork involved!
Keeping in Step
(2 Minute Read)
How Jacob’s story reminds us that God will work out His good plan in us, even when we fail.
When Plans Change
(3 Minute Read)
Sometimes our lives—and ministry plans—need a little reno work. Why it’s important to pay attention to what God’s stirring in our hearts.
He Wants to Hold Your Hand
(2 Minute Read)
What is your heart in need of today? God is reaching out His hand to you. You just need to grab hold of it.
Running on (Almost) Empty
(3 Minute Read)
Why it’s important to keep an eye on our spiritual gas tanks…before we run out of fuel.
Finding Our Place on Mother’s Day
(5 Minute Read)
It takes community to raise a child. Finding our place on Mother’s Day, even when we don’t have children of our our own.
Be An Impact-Maker
(5 Minute Read)
Will the kids in your life look back one day and point to you as someone who made a difference? Ideas to get started as an impact-maker in the lives of the kids in your ministry.
Listen For God
(2 Minute Read)
When we take time to get quiet…really quiet…we create space to really hear what God has to say to us.
How To Love Your Volunteers!
(3 Minute Read)
How we can show appreciation to our kidmin volunteer teams!